ROMX+ (Apple II/II+)

ROMX+ is available for order from ReActiveMicro.


Key Features

  • Supports Apple II Rev 0 - 7
  • Replaces D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 ROMs and optionally the text ROM also
  • 15 x 32KB user programmable Image slots + firmware and recovery images
  • Supports 16KB or 32KB images
    • Upload a custom ROM in seconds!
    • Images can be system ROMs, DOS images, games or applications!
    • Store Information for each image
    • ROMify tutorial and template available so you can convert your apps/games to run from ROM
    • Boots DOS instantly
  • On-board real-time clock with CR1220 backup battery
    • Estimated 3.5+ years battery life
  • Socket Safe Headers wont damage the original IC sockets
  • ROM-Link interface for optional external video ROM
    • Adds lower case character sets (see Note 1)
    • Select the font through the menu system
    • ROMX 2513 text ROM available for pre-Rev 7
    • ROMX 2316B text ROM available for Rev 7
  • Works in many clones
  • Preloaded with lots of ROMs/apps to try



Note 1. ROMX Video ROM contains many different fonts that include lower case characters. To enter lower case text however will require you to install the Shift Key Mod

In the Media

Javier Rivera's First Look :